Tagantjärele võin öelda oma selleaastasi PÖFFi-lemmikuid, ehk mõnd kusagil veel näidatakse. Artises tuleb Artist ja Habeas Papam (?) aga neid ma PÖFFil ei näinud. Tahan vaatama minna küll. Kingapaelte sidumine tundus selline keskmiselt hea, nii palju, kui nägin. Järjekord on suvaline:
* Los Pasos Dobles/Iseenda jälgedes (Katalaani?)
* Restless/Püsimatud (USA)
* I Wish/Ime (Jaapan)
* Attack on the block / Rünnak rajoonile (UK noorteulmefilm)
* Martha Marcie May Marlene (USA)
* Doppelgänger Paul/ Teisik Paul (Kanada)
* Akkõz (Kasashtani)
* Moth diaries/ Ööliblika päevikud (Kanada ja Iiri, pigem noortekas)
* Strawberry fields /Maasikavälud (UK, BBC)
* Kilimanjaro lumi (Prantsuse)
Nüüd elan niisama, loen teisipäevaseid luuletusi, avastan Mahmud Derwishi luule hobusemotiive ("Ma armastaksin naisi, kes iharuses varjavad hobuste eneseteppu uksekünnisel..."), teen koolivärki, igatsen und...
Kui seda luuletust paar korda mõttega läbi lugesin, tuli mulle selline lugu sisse...
Zot and the Axolotls by Janis Freegard
Earlier in the afternoon we had all admired
the newly constructed axolotl tank, more of
a complex really, with a glass bridge between
chambers, a grand axolotl hotel, five stars with
room service, porters and a parking attendant.
It was still empty, its soon-to-be residents
slumming it in temporary accommodation.
like other amphibians, the axolotl has a three-chambered heart
they are perennibranchiate, reaching sexual maturity in the larval stage
axolotls were a staple in the Aztec diet
I was stoned, I remember that.
the axolotl is neotenous and rarely metamorphoses spontaneously
it can regenerate entire lost appendages in a matter of months
the days of the axolotl surviving in the wild are numbered
Zot tripped and fell to the floor and lay there,
unmoving, by the new de luxe tank. I was
sitting next to him in an armchair thinking:
Zot’s fallen over. Just that. It was someone
else – Denise perhaps – who noticed the
blood. Soon afterwards an ambulance arrived.
Lake Chalco has been drained (but see how they smile their wide amphibian smiles)
Lake Xochimilco is reduced to canals (oh, oh, those beady well-spaced eyes)
roll up, roll up, tasty axolotls
Oh, see how their pretty gills flutter.
the newly constructed axolotl tank, more of
a complex really, with a glass bridge between
chambers, a grand axolotl hotel, five stars with
room service, porters and a parking attendant.
It was still empty, its soon-to-be residents
slumming it in temporary accommodation.
like other amphibians, the axolotl has a three-chambered heart
they are perennibranchiate, reaching sexual maturity in the larval stage
axolotls were a staple in the Aztec diet
I was stoned, I remember that.
the axolotl is neotenous and rarely metamorphoses spontaneously
it can regenerate entire lost appendages in a matter of months
the days of the axolotl surviving in the wild are numbered
Zot tripped and fell to the floor and lay there,
unmoving, by the new de luxe tank. I was
sitting next to him in an armchair thinking:
Zot’s fallen over. Just that. It was someone
else – Denise perhaps – who noticed the
blood. Soon afterwards an ambulance arrived.
Lake Chalco has been drained (but see how they smile their wide amphibian smiles)
Lake Xochimilco is reduced to canals (oh, oh, those beady well-spaced eyes)
roll up, roll up, tasty axolotls
Oh, see how their pretty gills flutter.
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